On April 25th, 2019, Craig Bolanos was featured in Debbie Carlson’s 8 Reasons to Sell a Stock or Fund article appearing in U.S. News & World Report. In the article, she talks about how investors can struggle with the decision to sell stocks, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds. The article give scenarios in which selling in the right option, whether it is to make money to take a tax write-off from losses. One scenario is when a struggling company sees its share prices fall because earnings are down. Craig says that a dividend payment cut is a warning sign of difficulties ahead, and that usually companies don’t return to prosperity following dividend cuts. He gave General Electric as an example, saying “if a company cuts their dividend, I’m out.”

Disclaimer:Content in this material is for general information only and not intended to provide specific advise or recommendations for any individual. Wealth Management Group and LPL Financial do not provide tax advice or services.

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